Sometimes we don’t understand God’s plan. We pray and pray and still we don’t see the answer we are looking for. That doesn’t mean we stop praying. But what if God’s answer is “Not Yet.” What if God’s answer is a “No.” Would we still trust that God is a good God? Would we still think that He can do the things He says he can? Yes. Why? Because where else would we go? Who else can we turn to? Nobody. God is a good God and He knows what He is doing. That doesn’t mean we understand. But rather we put our hope, trust, and faith, in a God that we know can!
Isaiah 55:8-11
““For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
God bless you all!
Keep praying!
Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your Word never comes back void. And I thank You that You are fully in control. Help us all except Your decision over ours. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.